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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Coming back around..

I know I'd said I'm done for the day but just as I was about to sign out I decided to check out my rather unattended *feel free to insert any adjective here that is synonymous with 'unattended'* blog. Boy has it been long, too long, but with all the things that have been unfolding in my life lately, it's understandable. Quitting my job, getting a new one and in a foreign country, falling in love-yeah that too- it's been quite a roller coaster ride and I don't think things will be slowing down anytime soon.

Not that I'm complaining, I'm actually loving the exhilaration that comes with these changes because I'd gotten to a point in my life where I was dying for change. Life had become too mundane for me, I was just going through the motions, and was quite frankly getting fed up and real fast. A word of caution though when you pursue something so vehemently, whatever it is, you're bound to attain it and we are not always armed with the right mechanisms to cope with the all new circumstances these pursuits land us in. Much as change is a good thing if you're not prepared for it, psychologically or emotionally then you might 'crush' to say the least.

I'm all about "stepping out of your comfort zone" but we all know nothing is more scarier than doing just that. I mean you spend your whole life building a structure of friends-colleagues-family, within which you exist, and with an air of confidence because you have absolute and total control over this 'structure', then along comes visionaries who are constantly compelling us to step out of this 'safe havens' in order to attain self actualization. And that is always a hard thing to ask of any one. But with that said, we cannot stay enveloped in our cocoons solely because of fear, no! There cannot be a worse infliction on self than living in constant fear, especially of the unknown, that's a terrible way to live. It holds us back from so much, not just from attaining our full potential, but from enjoying life-which I might add flies by quite fast- to the fullest.

Lets embrace Karma, appreciate that there is a force, larger than us, that is in charge-so you don't have to run around trying to micromanage every little thing and everyone, learn to let go sometimes- appreciate also that as human beings we have the amazing ability to deal with whatever life throws at us. How else would we then explain the forever told stories about men and women who have in the past and present risen above and beyond their 'confines' to achieve great and mighty things? We are all such prolific men and women in our own little subtle ways, may we never forget that. Never be afraid to step into the 'unknown' for in so doing you sermon every perceivable force in the universe to push you forward and amazing things start to happen.

Later people. I'll try make this a habit.
